Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tech junkie

Today went looking for a new car for the wife. I already got my fancy new one, and seriously anything else just seems less then awesome compared to my car.  I've always loved just being on the cutting edge of technology or at least as close to it as I can afford.

As much as I hate human nature for destroying so much natural beauty in the name of progress, sitting in something like a car just gives me chills. It's amazing what people are capable of. I mean I'm typing this on a touch screen phone with HF capabilities that knows I am secretly doing it in the restroom of my own home. So having a car that knows my voice, senses when I am present to unlock the doors, and can guide me cross country is amazing.

Long story short we didn't narrow down any options for her really. But the Hondas she drove were quite impressive though. I almost would want the new CRZ or the Civic. Very good green technology and a lot of zip. Hopefully, she will decide soon. Cause everytime we get into her car now it just feels like I'm stepping back in time, and my tech snob alarms go off.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time to blog again?

Just got Blogger for my Android so maybe its time to give this a shot again. I might feel like blogging now that I can blog anywhere!

Friday, May 14, 2010


Having a hard time not making the alien species for "Stars" not look like the Navii from Avatar.  But I think I've found a unique enough look.  Plus slap a bunch of space gear on them and I think people won't get them confused.  At least especially if they don't get colored blue.

I need to also figure out how the females should look too, I'm not quite sure the best way to make them different then the males.  But that's what's sketching for anyways!  More characters to go!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I've started piddling a bit with character designs yesterday.  The main character Tyras' first design has been finished and sent to the brains for approval.  I hope it works on go number one, but there's never a problem redesigning anything really at this stage.  I've got some other work going on at the moment but I suspect there shall be many a thing drawn this weekend when I have some days off. 

It shall be exciting!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Egads! A webcomic?!

Indeed.  Networking shows up in unexpected places sometimes, and I had the luck of running into an Ian Mullins.  This Ian Mullins had a fascinating idea in his head of starting a webcomic venture and is crazy enough to be the brains behind the operation for the most part.  So hey, sounds good to me!  I just draw stuff, that's what I do best.

It's going to be a co-illustrated book, which is something I've never done before, so we'll see how that works out ha ha.  It's a sci-fi adventure that will hearken back to the bygone days of decent sci-fi like Star Wars and other fantastic works I'm not as familiar with.

I can't divulge too much about it at the moment, but I will start doing some work on concepts as soon as I can.  I've got a good feeling about it.  And at the very least I'll have some fun with it!  And art for me has always been fun.

I should be updating regularly on this here on the blog.  I wasn't using it for much else till now anyways, which is why basically all the posts have been deleted.  I might add in a few non-story related stuff, but I'm afraid I'll be laser whipped if I do it too much.

Happy sketching!

Friday, April 17, 2009 Revamped!

Yet again, the little voices and one actual voice have been speaking to me again, and I strived to give the ailing old website another facelift in hopes that I might actually finish it now! I think this is the best version yet and definitely think the new layout will be easily finished into a real professional site. Please give me some feedback if you can!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The first line is drawn...

{excitement} Starting another blog, although perhaps it's worth keeping up now. Been trying to keep out all my little tendrils in the internet today. Massive e-mailing to people, bought a website, and set this thing up. Then I get to letter, draw, and ink later after work! Hello to all.