Sunday, May 9, 2010

Egads! A webcomic?!

Indeed.  Networking shows up in unexpected places sometimes, and I had the luck of running into an Ian Mullins.  This Ian Mullins had a fascinating idea in his head of starting a webcomic venture and is crazy enough to be the brains behind the operation for the most part.  So hey, sounds good to me!  I just draw stuff, that's what I do best.

It's going to be a co-illustrated book, which is something I've never done before, so we'll see how that works out ha ha.  It's a sci-fi adventure that will hearken back to the bygone days of decent sci-fi like Star Wars and other fantastic works I'm not as familiar with.

I can't divulge too much about it at the moment, but I will start doing some work on concepts as soon as I can.  I've got a good feeling about it.  And at the very least I'll have some fun with it!  And art for me has always been fun.

I should be updating regularly on this here on the blog.  I wasn't using it for much else till now anyways, which is why basically all the posts have been deleted.  I might add in a few non-story related stuff, but I'm afraid I'll be laser whipped if I do it too much.

Happy sketching!

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